Friday, 1 April 2022, 9:00 a.m. on Zoom (ID 980 4324 7676)
The quest for singularity through Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often heralded as the ultimate frontier of technological advancement. However, with the techno-scientific breakthroughs moving at an increasingly fast speed, the ethical, environmental, and human-oriented consequences are often neglected. While there is much focus on AI from a Science and Technology perspective, the contributions of AI to the Arts and Humanities have not yet been fully explored.
This talk aims to approach AI, automation, machine learning, and algorithmic culture from an Arts and Humanities-oriented perspective in order to propose a more interdisciplinary accompaniment to techno-scientific and corporate research. By charting an international historiography of AI through popular science fiction and experimental/avant-garde media (including some of the first experiments with A.I. in cinema and early computational media), this talk will cover some ideological, ontological and epistemological overlaps between the Arts and Sciences, in hopes of reconfiguring more diverse and inclusive paths for AI studies in the not-so-distant future.
MARINA HASSAPOPOULOU is Assistant Professor at the Department of Cinema Studies, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University (NYU). She is the recipient of last year’s Society for Cinema and Media Studies’ Innovative Pedagogy Award. She also received an International Research and Collaboration Award for Histories of AI: A Genealogy of Power by the University of Cambridge for her work on creative AI. Her book project, Interactive Cinema: The Ethics of Participation and Collectivity in the Era of (Dis)Connection, focuses on participatory multimedia experiments in the history of cinema and develops new frameworks for spectatorship in the digital age.
Host: Professor Zhu Ying (Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Discussant: Professor Jack Stenner (University of Florida)
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Organized by Centre for Film and Moving Image Research of Academy of Film