Faculty and students at Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Communication will be presenting at the 75th Annual International Communication Association Annual Conference 2025 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Dates: Thursday, 12 June to Monday, 16 June 2025.

List of Accepted Papers from HKBU School of Communication

Note: The official programme is yet to be released and these entries, collated manually, are subject to revisions

S/N Paper Titles
and Authors
1How Social Media Engagement Galvanize Consumer Animosity and Foreign Resistance Intention: The Role of Agonistic and Retreat Emotions
Dominic Yeo; Liu Dandan
International Chinese Communication Association
2When Visuals Backfire: How Conspiracy Beliefs and Media Cynicism Shape Climate News Legitimacy
Stephanie Jean Tsang; Dongni Li
Environmental Communication
3Digitalizing Elderly Care in Hong Kong: Exploring Potentials to Incorporate Interactive Technology to Improve Mental, Social and Spiritual Health among Senior Populations
Lola Xie; Wanhui Zhou
Mobile Communication
4If It Impacts Me, I will Support the Campus Protesters: How Campus Protest News Influences Americans’ Digital Engagement and Support for Participants
Ran Wei; Xinzhi Zhang
Political Communication
5Digital Disconnectivity in 2024 U.S. College Protests: Effects of News Exposure, Third-Person Effect
Ran Wei; Ven-hwei Lo
Mass Communication
6Navigating (dis)empowerment: Dialectical tensions in the
enactment of resilience of college students with eating disorders
Meina Liu; Patrice M. Buzzanell, Yingke Li, & Shuo Zhou
Interpersonal Communication Division
7Understanding Cancer Information Seeking Among Individuals with Cancer Experience in Hong Kong
Leanne Chang, Timothy Fung, Ho Man Leung
Health Communication
8Disclosure Intentions of Technology-Facilitated
Sexual Violence among Youth in China: A Health Belief Model Perspective –
Yan Ling, Leanne Chang
Communication and Technology
9Understanding self-rated health: Examining the mediating effect of self-efficacy
Ho Man Leung, Timothy Fung, Leanne Chang
Health Communication
10Examining the Interplay of Convergent Religious Practices in Enhancing Buddhist Understanding and Mental Well-Being
Nick Zhang; Chio Wang Tat Felix; Eddie Chong
Communication & Technology
11Exploring the Role of Political Agenda: Triadic Network
Agenda-Setting on Asylum Seekers and Refugees Issues
in Hong Kong
Nick Zhang; Lin Zhihuai Randy
Journalism Studies
12Navigating Uncertainty in Human-AI relationships:
User Practices and Strategies in Interactive Community Challenges
Hongyuan Gan; Han Li, Jinyuan Zhan, Renwen Zhang
Human Machine Communication
13Charting the Empirical Terrain of Narrative Persuasion: Insights from Meta-analyses
Ye Sun; Zixi Li; Xiaohui Wang,
Communication Science & Biology
14Examine the Effect of Multidimensional Distances on Antibiotic Risk Awareness and Preventive Behaviors
Yuchen Zhou; Jinqiu Chen, Zhongshi Guo;, Chuanli Xia, She Lyu
Health Communication
15The Impact of Self-Disclosure on Psychological Well-Being Among Social Media Users in Taiwan
Bohan Zhang; Yining Fan, Ven-Hwei Lo
16From Disseminating to Disconnecting: How Genetically Modified Organisms Conspiracy Theories Compensate and Enhance the Social Well-being of Vulnerable Narcissists
Yang Sihao; Liu Xiaoda and Wang Yichen
Information Systems
17Finding Solace or Solitude? Exploring the Compensating and Enhancing Effects of Social Mobile Game Play
Yang Sihao; Wang Dong; Peng Kun
Game Studies
18Solving a controversial health problem may be tricky: Examining social media news use, gender, fear, and information behaviors in HPV prevention
Xizhu Xiao; Yan Wang; Wenyuan Yang
Health Communication
19Gossip Hurts More in the Tower of Babel: Linguistic Ostracism Facilitates the Influence of Self-Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip on Gossip Targets
Zhang Shunhao
Organizational Communication
20The Wireless Leash is Elastic: An Information Processing Model on the Relationship between Employees’ Need for Closure, Perceived Information Richness, and After-hour Mobile Connectivity
Zhang Shunhao
Organizational Communication
21The Code War: GenAI Patent Race among China, Europe, and the United States (2005-2023)
Yuner Zhu; Xinzhi Zhang; Bu Zhong
Communication and Technology
22The Emergence and Development of Dynamic Norms in Environmental Communication: A Bibliometric Analysis
Xiaoyu Xia. Yuner Zhu; Jolie Shi
Environmental Communication
23How Parental Mediation Optimize Digital Media Use for Adolescents: Perspectives from Asian Parent-Child Dyads
Huijun Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi
Children, Adolescents, and the Media
24Adopting Artificial Intelligence for Health Information Seeking: A Latent Profile Analysis
Jingyuan Shi; Xiaoyu Xia; Huijun Zhuang; Zixi Li
Health Communication
25CSR Attributions and Crisis Types: Effects on Public Trust and Purchase Intentions
Boya Han; Yijie Ye; Ruiqing Cao; Huijun Zhuang
Public Relations
26Integrating frameworks in human-computer interaction: A meta-analytic comparison of human and virtual influencers with varying levels of anthropomorphism
Looi, Jiemin, Chu, Tze Hang, & Liu, Dandan
Human-Machine Communication
27Disclosing vulnerability on LinkedIn: Conditional effects that engender perceptions of vulnerability as authentic or performative
Lew, Zijian & Looi, Jiemin.
Communication and Technology
28Refining the Interaction between Social Norms and Uncertainty about Risk Perceptions in Health and Environmental Behaviors– A Cross-Cultural Replication and Extension
Jie Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi; Jian Rui; Xiaoyu Xia; Jing Zeng
Health Communication
29Normative Compliance: Universal or Culturally Shaped: Exploring the Impact of Cultural Orientations on Normative Compliance in Health and Environmental Contexts
Jie Zhuang; Jian Rui; Jingyuan Shi; Jing Zeng; Xiaoyu Xia
Intercultural Communication
30Collective Efficacy Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Social Norms and Behavioral Intention: Moderated by Uncertainty Avoidance and Issues
Jian Rui; Jie Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi; Jing Zeng; Xiaoyu Xia
Health Communication
31The Paradox of Control: How Self-Quantification in Mobile Health Applications Shapes Empowerment, Health Locus of Control and Adherence: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Ying Qin; Vincent Huang
Information Systems
32How Does Online Patient-Provider Communication Work in Patient-Centered Care: A Comparison of Brazil and Portugal
Zheng Shenting; Jizhou YE, Tianyang Lu, Piper Liping Liu
Health Communication
33Unpacking Chinese Women’s Social Media Engagement and Cancer Screening Intention: Roles of Reflective Integration, Cancer Knowledge and Psychological Distance
Zheng Shenting; Jizhou YE, Tianyang Lu, Piper Liping Liu
Health Communication
34The Effects of Multimodal Hate Speech on Prejudice and Prosocial Behavioral Intentions
Sai Wang
Communication and Technology
35A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Deepfakes
Sai Wang
Information System
36Boundaries of Speech in the Community’s Eye: Understanding Crowdsourced Content Moderation on Social Media Platform
Hanjing Wang; Tianlun Zhou; Zhicong Chen
Information System
37Vaccine Name Framing, Relationship Status, and Fear: Examining Heterosexual Men’s Intention to Vaccinate against Human Papillomavirus Infection
Timothy K F Fung; Judy Siu; Ho Man Leung
Health Communication
38Youni Nan: Feminist Neologism as A Response and Resistance to Sexism in Contemporary China
Shan Bowen
Feminist Scholarship
39Adolescents’ Understanding of AI: Challenges and Opportunities for AI Literacy Education
Zhou Lin; Stephanie Jean Tsang
Children, Adolescents, and the Media
40Hotbed of Stigmatization or Source of Support: A Multimodal Analysis of Mental Health-Related Videos on Douyin
Sheng Zou; Peiying Wu, Yunya Song
Health Communication
41Bridging Cultures, Building Financial Data Literacy: Experience from a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Project in Asia
Ming Hang So; Bintan Humeira
Instructional & Developmental Communication
42Imagined Audiences: A Comparison Between Posters in the Chinese and American Markets of the Same Hollywood Films
Li Hua; Zhao Qingyuan
Visual Communication Studies
43Mapping AI’s Evolving Impact on Communication Research: A Systematic Review of Thematic Patterns and Theoretical Foundations
Yunya Song; Xiaohui Wang; Yushi Luo; Qintao Huang
Communication and Technology
44Receiving sexually explicit content as a hyperpersonal failure: The impact of being sexted in online dating on long-term relationship commitment
Vincent Huang; Li Zhong
Interpersonal Communication
45The impact of emotional neglect on internet addiction among left-behind adolescents in rural China: A moderated mediation model
Vincent Huang; Heyunhan Jiang, Ruci Zhong
Information Systems
46Understanding Embodied Health Practices and Their Impacts in a Traditional Chinese Medicine Program: A Mixed Methods Study
She Lyu; Zhen Zhao, Guanghong Liu, Shuo Zhou
Health Communication
47Masculinity on display: Power, performance, and gendered interactions in Chinese Douyin culture
Lihua Chen; Lijun Luo
Popular Media & Culture
48Intercultural Communication in the Age of Mis/Disinformation: Impacts and Strategies for Disruption Locally and Globally
Arjun Chatterjee; Daya Thussu
Intercultural Communication
49The Role of Self in the Social Psychology of Narrative Processing
Vivien Shuo Zhou, Mike Shapiro
Information Systems
5oMeta-analysis based on source credibility theory: effectiveness of information sources to combat misinformation
Zhang Yuhao; J.F.YE
Information Systems
51Disrupting the geopolitics of global communication: BRICS and Beyond
Daya Thussu
Global Communication
52Disrupting the dominant discourse: perspectives from the Global South
Daya Thussu
Global Communication
53Self-disclosure and AI conversational agents in healthcare contexts: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Yajing Lu; Xiyuan Zhou, Guangchao Feng
Human-Machine Communication
54AI Imaginaries and Perceived Autonomy: Exploring the Role of Power Use and Parasocial Interaction in an Asian Cultural Context
Bu Zhong; Yixin Xu
Communication and Technology
55Countering Dominant Narratives: The Impact of Data Activism on Public Perception in the Israel-Hamas War
Abdulwahab Tahhan
Activism, Communication and Social Justice
56The Impact of Gamification Elements on Employee Engagement: The Relationship Between Psychological Needs and Motivation through the lens of Self-Determination Theory
Aurelia Naa Ayikaikor Ayi-Bonte; Jos Bartels
Organisational Communication
57Examining Audience Engagement with Fact-Checking Posts on Social Media: The Impact of Attitudes, Self-Expression, and Topics in Hong Kong
Sinan Yu; Chuyu Guo; Zhou Wanhui
Journalism Studies
58Masculinity on display: Power, performance, and gendered interactions in Chinese Douyin culture
Lijun Luo; Andy Lihua Chen
Popular Media and Culture
59Constructing an Authoritarian Emotional Regime: Analyzing Online Public Sentiment of China’s Marriage and Fertility Policies
Lijun Luo; Haiwei Huang
Feminist Scholarship
60China’s AI Diplomacy: Leveraging Soft Power and Scientific-Technical Influence within Global Governance Networks
Yunya Song; Emilie Tran; Su Qihan
Public Diplomacy
61What’s behind anti-media media in Hong Kong
Cherian George
Journalism Studies
62Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research
Cherian George
Opening Plenary
63Digital activism and social media: The role of negative
emotions on connective action in the 2024 U.S.
Campus Protests
Ran Wei, Bohan Zhang, Xinzhi Zhang, Ven-hwei Lo
Activism Theory, Activist Practice: Bridging Boundaries Between Researching and Doing Activism