Faculty and students at Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Communication will be presenting at the 75th Annual International Communication Association Annual Conference 2025 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Dates: Thursday, 12 June to Monday, 16 June 2025.
List of Accepted Papers from HKBU School of Communication
Note: The official programme is yet to be released and these entries, collated manually, are subject to revisions
S/N | Paper Titles and Authors | Division |
1 | How Social Media Engagement Galvanize Consumer Animosity and Foreign Resistance Intention: The Role of Agonistic and Retreat Emotions Dominic Yeo; Liu Dandan | International Chinese Communication Association |
2 | When Visuals Backfire: How Conspiracy Beliefs and Media Cynicism Shape Climate News Legitimacy Stephanie Jean Tsang; Dongni Li | Environmental Communication |
3 | Digitalizing Elderly Care in Hong Kong: Exploring Potentials to Incorporate Interactive Technology to Improve Mental, Social and Spiritual Health among Senior Populations Lola Xie; Wanhui Zhou | Mobile Communication |
4 | If It Impacts Me, I will Support the Campus Protesters: How Campus Protest News Influences Americans’ Digital Engagement and Support for Participants Ran Wei; Xinzhi Zhang | Political Communication |
5 | Digital Disconnectivity in 2024 U.S. College Protests: Effects of News Exposure, Third-Person Effect Ran Wei; Ven-hwei Lo | Mass Communication |
6 | Navigating (dis)empowerment: Dialectical tensions in the enactment of resilience of college students with eating disorders Meina Liu; Patrice M. Buzzanell, Yingke Li, & Shuo Zhou | Interpersonal Communication Division |
7 | Understanding Cancer Information Seeking Among Individuals with Cancer Experience in Hong Kong Leanne Chang, Timothy Fung, Ho Man Leung | Health Communication |
8 | Disclosure Intentions of Technology-Facilitated Sexual Violence among Youth in China: A Health Belief Model Perspective – Yan Ling, Leanne Chang | Communication and Technology |
9 | Understanding self-rated health: Examining the mediating effect of self-efficacy Ho Man Leung, Timothy Fung, Leanne Chang | Health Communication |
10 | Examining the Interplay of Convergent Religious Practices in Enhancing Buddhist Understanding and Mental Well-Being Nick Zhang; Chio Wang Tat Felix; Eddie Chong | Communication & Technology |
11 | Exploring the Role of Political Agenda: Triadic Network Agenda-Setting on Asylum Seekers and Refugees Issues in Hong Kong Nick Zhang; Lin Zhihuai Randy | Journalism Studies |
12 | Navigating Uncertainty in Human-AI relationships: User Practices and Strategies in Interactive Community Challenges Hongyuan Gan; Han Li, Jinyuan Zhan, Renwen Zhang | Human Machine Communication |
13 | Charting the Empirical Terrain of Narrative Persuasion: Insights from Meta-analyses Ye Sun; Zixi Li; Xiaohui Wang, | Communication Science & Biology |
14 | Examine the Effect of Multidimensional Distances on Antibiotic Risk Awareness and Preventive Behaviors Yuchen Zhou; Jinqiu Chen, Zhongshi Guo;, Chuanli Xia, She Lyu | Health Communication |
15 | The Impact of Self-Disclosure on Psychological Well-Being Among Social Media Users in Taiwan Bohan Zhang; Yining Fan, Ven-Hwei Lo | |
16 | From Disseminating to Disconnecting: How Genetically Modified Organisms Conspiracy Theories Compensate and Enhance the Social Well-being of Vulnerable Narcissists Yang Sihao; Liu Xiaoda and Wang Yichen | Information Systems |
17 | Finding Solace or Solitude? Exploring the Compensating and Enhancing Effects of Social Mobile Game Play Yang Sihao; Wang Dong; Peng Kun | Game Studies |
18 | Solving a controversial health problem may be tricky: Examining social media news use, gender, fear, and information behaviors in HPV prevention Xizhu Xiao; Yan Wang; Wenyuan Yang | Health Communication |
19 | Gossip Hurts More in the Tower of Babel: Linguistic Ostracism Facilitates the Influence of Self-Perceived Negative Workplace Gossip on Gossip Targets Zhang Shunhao | Organizational Communication |
20 | The Wireless Leash is Elastic: An Information Processing Model on the Relationship between Employees’ Need for Closure, Perceived Information Richness, and After-hour Mobile Connectivity Zhang Shunhao | Organizational Communication |
21 | The Code War: GenAI Patent Race among China, Europe, and the United States (2005-2023) Yuner Zhu; Xinzhi Zhang; Bu Zhong | Communication and Technology |
22 | The Emergence and Development of Dynamic Norms in Environmental Communication: A Bibliometric Analysis Xiaoyu Xia. Yuner Zhu; Jolie Shi | Environmental Communication |
23 | How Parental Mediation Optimize Digital Media Use for Adolescents: Perspectives from Asian Parent-Child Dyads Huijun Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi | Children, Adolescents, and the Media |
24 | Adopting Artificial Intelligence for Health Information Seeking: A Latent Profile Analysis Jingyuan Shi; Xiaoyu Xia; Huijun Zhuang; Zixi Li | Health Communication |
25 | CSR Attributions and Crisis Types: Effects on Public Trust and Purchase Intentions Boya Han; Yijie Ye; Ruiqing Cao; Huijun Zhuang | Public Relations |
26 | Integrating frameworks in human-computer interaction: A meta-analytic comparison of human and virtual influencers with varying levels of anthropomorphism Looi, Jiemin, Chu, Tze Hang, & Liu, Dandan | Human-Machine Communication |
27 | Disclosing vulnerability on LinkedIn: Conditional effects that engender perceptions of vulnerability as authentic or performative Lew, Zijian & Looi, Jiemin. | Communication and Technology |
28 | Refining the Interaction between Social Norms and Uncertainty about Risk Perceptions in Health and Environmental Behaviors– A Cross-Cultural Replication and Extension Jie Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi; Jian Rui; Xiaoyu Xia; Jing Zeng | Health Communication |
29 | Normative Compliance: Universal or Culturally Shaped: Exploring the Impact of Cultural Orientations on Normative Compliance in Health and Environmental Contexts Jie Zhuang; Jian Rui; Jingyuan Shi; Jing Zeng; Xiaoyu Xia | Intercultural Communication |
30 | Collective Efficacy Mediates the Relationship Between Perceived Social Norms and Behavioral Intention: Moderated by Uncertainty Avoidance and Issues Jian Rui; Jie Zhuang; Jingyuan Shi; Jing Zeng; Xiaoyu Xia | Health Communication |
31 | The Paradox of Control: How Self-Quantification in Mobile Health Applications Shapes Empowerment, Health Locus of Control and Adherence: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective Ying Qin; Vincent Huang | Information Systems |
32 | How Does Online Patient-Provider Communication Work in Patient-Centered Care: A Comparison of Brazil and Portugal Zheng Shenting; Jizhou YE, Tianyang Lu, Piper Liping Liu | Health Communication |
33 | Unpacking Chinese Women’s Social Media Engagement and Cancer Screening Intention: Roles of Reflective Integration, Cancer Knowledge and Psychological Distance Zheng Shenting; Jizhou YE, Tianyang Lu, Piper Liping Liu | Health Communication |
34 | The Effects of Multimodal Hate Speech on Prejudice and Prosocial Behavioral Intentions Sai Wang | Communication and Technology |
35 | A Systematic Review of Empirical Research on Deepfakes Sai Wang | Information System |
36 | Boundaries of Speech in the Community’s Eye: Understanding Crowdsourced Content Moderation on Social Media Platform Hanjing Wang; Tianlun Zhou; Zhicong Chen | Information System |
37 | Vaccine Name Framing, Relationship Status, and Fear: Examining Heterosexual Men’s Intention to Vaccinate against Human Papillomavirus Infection Timothy K F Fung; Judy Siu; Ho Man Leung | Health Communication |
38 | Youni Nan: Feminist Neologism as A Response and Resistance to Sexism in Contemporary China Shan Bowen | Feminist Scholarship |
39 | Adolescents’ Understanding of AI: Challenges and Opportunities for AI Literacy Education Zhou Lin; Stephanie Jean Tsang | Children, Adolescents, and the Media |
40 | Hotbed of Stigmatization or Source of Support: A Multimodal Analysis of Mental Health-Related Videos on Douyin Sheng Zou; Peiying Wu, Yunya Song | Health Communication |
41 | Bridging Cultures, Building Financial Data Literacy: Experience from a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Project in Asia Ming Hang So; Bintan Humeira | Instructional & Developmental Communication |
42 | Imagined Audiences: A Comparison Between Posters in the Chinese and American Markets of the Same Hollywood Films Li Hua; Zhao Qingyuan | Visual Communication Studies |
43 | Mapping AI’s Evolving Impact on Communication Research: A Systematic Review of Thematic Patterns and Theoretical Foundations Yunya Song; Xiaohui Wang; Yushi Luo; Qintao Huang | Communication and Technology |
44 | Receiving sexually explicit content as a hyperpersonal failure: The impact of being sexted in online dating on long-term relationship commitment Vincent Huang; Li Zhong | Interpersonal Communication |
45 | The impact of emotional neglect on internet addiction among left-behind adolescents in rural China: A moderated mediation model Vincent Huang; Heyunhan Jiang, Ruci Zhong | Information Systems |
46 | Understanding Embodied Health Practices and Their Impacts in a Traditional Chinese Medicine Program: A Mixed Methods Study She Lyu; Zhen Zhao, Guanghong Liu, Shuo Zhou | Health Communication |
47 | Masculinity on display: Power, performance, and gendered interactions in Chinese Douyin culture Lihua Chen; Lijun Luo | Popular Media & Culture |
48 | Intercultural Communication in the Age of Mis/Disinformation: Impacts and Strategies for Disruption Locally and Globally Arjun Chatterjee; Daya Thussu | Intercultural Communication |
49 | The Role of Self in the Social Psychology of Narrative Processing Vivien Shuo Zhou, Mike Shapiro | Information Systems |
5o | Meta-analysis based on source credibility theory: effectiveness of information sources to combat misinformation Zhang Yuhao; J.F.YE | Information Systems |
51 | Disrupting the geopolitics of global communication: BRICS and Beyond Daya Thussu | Global Communication |
52 | Disrupting the dominant discourse: perspectives from the Global South Daya Thussu | Global Communication |
53 | Self-disclosure and AI conversational agents in healthcare contexts: A systematic review and meta-analysis Yajing Lu; Xiyuan Zhou, Guangchao Feng | Human-Machine Communication |
54 | AI Imaginaries and Perceived Autonomy: Exploring the Role of Power Use and Parasocial Interaction in an Asian Cultural Context Bu Zhong; Yixin Xu | Communication and Technology |
55 | Countering Dominant Narratives: The Impact of Data Activism on Public Perception in the Israel-Hamas War Abdulwahab Tahhan | Activism, Communication and Social Justice |
56 | The Impact of Gamification Elements on Employee Engagement: The Relationship Between Psychological Needs and Motivation through the lens of Self-Determination Theory Aurelia Naa Ayikaikor Ayi-Bonte; Jos Bartels | Organisational Communication |
57 | Examining Audience Engagement with Fact-Checking Posts on Social Media: The Impact of Attitudes, Self-Expression, and Topics in Hong Kong Sinan Yu; Chuyu Guo; Zhou Wanhui | Journalism Studies |
58 | Masculinity on display: Power, performance, and gendered interactions in Chinese Douyin culture Lijun Luo; Andy Lihua Chen | Popular Media and Culture |
59 | Constructing an Authoritarian Emotional Regime: Analyzing Online Public Sentiment of China’s Marriage and Fertility Policies Lijun Luo; Haiwei Huang | Feminist Scholarship |
60 | China’s AI Diplomacy: Leveraging Soft Power and Scientific-Technical Influence within Global Governance Networks Yunya Song; Emilie Tran; Su Qihan | Public Diplomacy |
61 | What’s behind anti-media media in Hong Kong Cherian George | Journalism Studies |
62 | Disrupting and Consolidating Communication Research Cherian George | Opening Plenary |
63 | Digital activism and social media: The role of negative emotions on connective action in the 2024 U.S. Campus Protests Ran Wei, Bohan Zhang, Xinzhi Zhang, Ven-hwei Lo | Activism Theory, Activist Practice: Bridging Boundaries Between Researching and Doing Activism |