Key concepts for investigating streaming video

Thursday, 10 March 2022, 10:30a.m. on Zoom (ID 970 3531 6381)

Despite appearances, the business of subscriber-funded streaming services such as Netflix differ from previous video businesses in ways crucial to proper understanding. In this talk, Lotz explores key concepts and premises for investigating streaming services and their role in culture.

AMANDA D. LOTZ is Professor of Media Studies and leader of the Transforming Media Industries research program in the Digital Media Research Centre at Queensland University of Technology. She is the author, co-author, or editor of ten books that explore television and media industries. Her most recent book Media Disrupted: Surviving Cannibals, Pirates and Streaming Wars (MIT Press, 2021) tells the story of how the internet and digital technologies disrupted the recorded music, newspaper, film, and television industries, and Netflix and Streaming Video: The Business of Subscriber-funded Video on Demand will be published by Polity in April 2022.

Host: Professor Zhu Ying (Academy of Film, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Discussant: Dr Michael Keane (Queensland University of Technology)

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Organized by Centre for Film and Moving Image Research of Academy of Film