For abstracts and bios, please download the full programme from the main page. Videos will be posted here as and when they are ready.
Panel 1: The Old and the New
1. The Cold War and International Relations: Then and Now – Greg Simons, Ural Federal University, Uppsala University, and Turiba University
2. Revisiting the ‘End of History’ Thesis: 30 Years On – Arjun Chatterjee, The Heritage Academy
3. The New Cold War: Geopolitics, Covid-19, and Grand Strategies in Great Power Rivalry – John Wei, University of Otago
4. Wishful Narratives of Quitting Cold War Mentalities, their Subsequent Failure and the Hybrid Warfare Backlash – Victor Nemchinov, Russian Academy of Sciences
Chaired by Cherian George, Hong Kong Baptist University
Keynote 1: Issues in Cold War Historiography
Louis Menand, Harvard University
Chaired by Ying Zhu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Panel 2: Unravelling Myths / Thinking Counterfactually
1. Rethinking the Cold War Narrative of ‘Only Nixon Could Go to China’ and the Origins of US-China ‘Peer Competition’ – Pete Millwood, the University of Hong Kong
2. Tracing the Roots of Heroism in Superman: Counter Narratives of Communism in Cold War Theory – Upasana Banerjee, Independent research scholar
Chaired by Mateja Kovacic, Hong Kong Baptist University
Panel 3: Transnational Art / Cultural Diplomacy
1. From the Cold War Ideology to the EU Cultural Policies: Film Co-Productions in South East Europe – Eleni Sideri, University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki-Greece
2. Transregional Cultural Relations of the Second Socialist World during the Cold War – Caterina Preda, University of Bucharest
3. Aesthetics, Politics, and Internationalism: Film Weeks in China during the ‘Seventeen Years’ – Huiqi Pan, PhD (East China Normal University)
4. Cold War and Martial Law Dynamics in the Art Exhibitions of the Metropolitan Museum of Manila from 1976-1986 – May Lyn L. Cruz, the University of the Philippines
5. Where Does Abstract Art Belong? The Meanings of Abstract Art Beyond the Iron Curtain – Agata Pietrasik, Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellow in the History of Art
Chaired by Mateja Kovacic, Hong Kong Baptist University
Panel 4: The Press, Cinema, Television, and Soft Power
1. Before being the Cold War: On the Origin and Transformation of the Expression ‘Cold War’ in the Anglo-US Press (1942-1950) – Mireno Berrettini, Università Cattolica of Milan
2. Stanley Kramer, Hollywood Liberalism, and the Cold War – Jennifer Frost, University of Auckland
3. How East Germany Saved (Some Of) the World: The Invisible Visor – A 1970s Cold War Intelligence TV Series as a Fantasy of Cosmopolitanism and Global Influence – Tarik Cyril Amar, Koç University
4. Anti-Spy Films in 1978 and 1979: Revival and Transition – Qi Ai, Shandong University
Chaired by Eva Man Kit Wah, Hong Kong Baptist University
Filmmaker Lecture: The Shortest Speech
Naeem Mohaiemen, Columbia University
Chaired by Noit Banai, Hong Kong Baptist University
Keynote 2: Sadequain Naqvi – a ‘Pakistani Picasso’ for the Cold War
Caroline Jones, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chaired by Noit Banai, Hong Kong Baptist University
Roundtable 1: Plural Histories, New Imaginaries
Ute Meta Bauer, Nanyang Technological University
Caroline Jones, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chaired by Noit Banai, Hong Kong Baptist University